Friday, March 22, 2013

Making Amends Down Under

It's been awhile. Forgive me? Please?

I came across this article yesterday and haven't been able to get it off my mind. From the 1950's to the 1980's, thousands of single Australian women were forced to put their babies up for adoption. Married couples received thousands of babies who were basically kidnapped.

Am I in favor of children growing up in the homes of happily married parents? Of course. Do I believe that adoption is an amazing gift from God? Uh...duh. YES.

But this? This is crazy.

(I post this with full understanding that the US has a ton of skeletons in its closet. This isn't about judgement or comparison, but more about raising awareness about things going on Down Under. Since the apology happened yesterday, this is more of a current events thing.)

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