Saturday, July 5, 2014

We're Here!

There is a coffee machine at the ZavCentre, which is a gift straight from heaven.

After a long day of travel, Andy and I connected in the Brussels airport for our month at CCMI (Cross Cultural Ministry Internship). CCMI is a month-long training session designed to prepare MTW missionaries for experiences they will encounter on the field. We’ll learn about church planting, team dynamics, language acquisition, contextualization, etc. 

So far we’ve spent the mornings in classes and the afternoons either doing ministry or getting to know other missionaries. For the duration of the month we will be working with two local ministries: an organization called Serve the City, which reaches out to urban communities in Brussels, and the Armenian Evangelical Church. We’ve done two outreaches with Serve the City so far, and will attend church with the Armenians tomorrow. We know God has great things to teach us through both of these ministries, despite the language barriers. 

The days have been long but lovely. Our daily schedule is packed with classes, ministry, job duties (Andy is working with worship, while I work with communication), small group reflection time, and homework (yes, homework). Andy and I have an additional element in the form of transportation; The ZavCentre (where CCMI is being held) is full, so we are staying at a hotel about 20 minutes away by bus. The transportation time is an element we did not anticipate, but we definitely enjoy having our own bathroom! 

We're Thankful... 

That our church ministry team includes Lee and Shannon Hinkle, who will be on our team in Perth. We are incredibly thankful to be spending CCMI with them, since this helps us get to know one another before we hit the field. 

For Missy's fruitful visit to Lebanon, where she was working to set the stage for a gifted program at Beirut Baptist School. More detailed information is coming in a future post! 

That both Missy and Andy recovered quickly from jet lag/traveling fatigue.

Please Pray...

For stamina - our days are jam packed, and we had already been traveling (one of us internationally) for over two weeks when CCMI began. We have three weeks of CCMI left to go, so pray for our energy level!

For ministry opportunities here - we want to be a positive force for our short time with Serve the City and the Armenian church.

For encouragement - full disclosure: we’ve been support raising for a LONG time, and we’re weary. Many days are filled with discouragement and doubt.

For support - please ask the Lord to bring forth financial partners. Our hearts are in Perth, and we long for the day when our bodies can be there, too! 

Andy securing our bus passes, enabling us to enjoy unlimited rides for the month of July. 
It's hard to explain how relieved we were to accomplish this simple feat.
 I now have a new appreciation for my colleagues serving in countries where a language barrier exists. 

Andy and I waiting at the bus stop - something we're doing less and less as we commit the schedule to memory. 
Note: it is 9:30pm in this picture and is still sunny. We love this part of Europe! 

Andy playing soccer in an immigrant community at a Serve the City event on Thursday.

Braden Hinkle, Andy, and Lee Hinkle working together to stake a tent at a Serve the City street fair today. 
Ever tried to stake down a tent on cobblestone? 

Hinkles! Aren't they the cutest? 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Help Us Get to CCMI!

First we want to say how thankful we are for each of you and your prayers.  We've had a busy winter & spring.  We've travelled to a number of places (FL, TN, & MS) and have spoken to a number of churches and fellow believers about the work we're joining in Perth.  It's been amazing to worship with some many different people and share about our work and ask them to partner with us.  We've been extremely encouraged with each appointment!

Second we're excited to announce that we are hoping to do our Cross Cultural Ministry Internship (CCMI) in Belgium this summer!  We're excited because reaching this benchmark means we're getting closer and closer to joining our team.  CCMI will be a time of classroom training and hands on ministry experience that will continue to equip us for our work in Australia.  In order to go to CCMI we need to have $428.00 in monthly pledges committed by April 15th.  

Many of you who receive our updates are already financial partners with us.  We would like to ask you to pray with us asking God to provide these funds as well as think of others who might be interested in partnering with us and ask if you can connect us with them.  If you haven't pledged to partner with us but have been thinking about it please pray and consider it!  Below are instructions on how to partner. 

For more on CCMI, click HERE.

Pledge to Partner with Us:
By pledging you are making a commitment to give once we leave for the field. You can pledge two ways: HERE by filling out the email and sending it to us and we'll forward it onto MTW.  Or email our coach, Julie Brand at directly and pledge that way.

Praise God for each of you and all of your prayers and support!