Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Road To Australia - Part I

Brisbane, Australia 2002. My first (and only) time kissing a kangaroo. 
I'm not sure if the same can be said for the 'roo...he was way too willing!

I (Missy) have wanted to go to Australia since I was a child. As a young adult I grew serious about my faith and wondered if perhaps God was calling me there to do some sort of mission work. I didn’t necessarily know what that entailed (don’t missionaries live in grass huts? Do they even have grass huts in Australia?), but I knew Australia was near and dear to my heart and felt like it was worth investigating. 

During my junior year at Murray State University, I took a semester off to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Brisbane, Australia. (In case you’re wondering, I get a commission for every acronym I use). My DTS was one of the most amazing times of my entire life. My faith was stretched in ways I never dreamt possible, and I developed deep, authentic friendships with people from all over the world. Perhaps most important was the confirmation of what I had always suspected: I love Australia for a specific, God-ordained purpose. I knew I was meant to come back to Australia, but had no idea when or how. It made sense that I would return to what I knew, so my intention was to finish my degree at Murray State and then return to YWAM. 

While I was in Australia hearing God confirm my call, God began giving Andy similar instructions. To be clear, Andy and I were not dating at the time. We had dated prior to my departure, but we had broken up and didn’t really communicate much for the first several months of my trip. However, when I returned we got back together and prayed that God would show us the next step. 

As Andy’s college graduation grew closer, he realized that he too needed to spend some time in the land down under. After he graduated, he did a DTS at YWAM Brisbane. Toward the end of his program, I flew to Brisbane for a month. While there we were able to get a better idea of what it would be like to join YWAM as a couple, working with the programs they were already running. After much prayer and counsel, we knew two things: God wasn’t finished with us in Australia, but YWAM was not the best fit. 

Side note: YWAM Brisbane is a great organization that does good work. We have a ton of love and respect for YWAMers, but we just couldn’t see ourselves thriving there. Kind of like how I have a ton of respect for elementary school teachers, but could never, ever do their job. YWAMers are the elementary school teachers of my world. Except YWAMers probably don’t wipe as much snot. Anyway, I digress. 

As you may have inferred, Andy and I came back from Australia and got married. We lived in Kentucky for a couple years before moving to St. Louis in 2007 to help start The Chapel, a concert venue/performing arts space/art gallery operated by Memorial Presbyterian Church. As a musician, Andy is always looking for ways to combine his faith and his art (in ways other than playing in the worship band). When we heard that Memorial wanted to construct a space where artists and musicians could feel served by the church, we were floored. We prayed about the decision to move, but it was mostly a no-brainer. What we didn’t know was how instrumental the city of St. Louis would be to developing our views on what ministry could look like in a western nation. 

Stay tuned for part two, in which we explain the vision for The Chapel, our experience in St. Louis, and how we got connected with MTW. If you’re lucky, we might even tell you about the time Steve and B tried to feed us chicken feet! 

Some of my fellow YWAMers and me at an outreach carnival we threw at the botanical gardens on Easter Sunday. 
You can tell we take ourselves very, very seriously. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Faith, Art, and Pumpkin Soup

As most of you know, much of our work in Freo will revolve around the arts. Artists represent a sizable chunk of the population we're targeting, along with musicians, other creatives, and generally anyone else who will stand still long enough for a conversation. Freo happens to be a community with a large population of these kinds of creative people, and luckily our church planting team is well-equipped for the task.

Check out Berenice Rarig's new website for some insight into how faith and art can be intertwined. Berenice is the wife of Stephen Rarig, our team leader. At the moment she is finishing up a Ph.D in fine art at Curtin University. Her work is featured in collections in multiple countries, and she's an awesome lecturer as well!

Also? Her website doesn't mention it, but girl makes an amazing batch of pumpkin soup. Good for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner!

What? Doesn't everyone eat pumpkin soup for breakfast? 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Grace is Chocolate Cake

Where to begin? I’ve been struggling with what to post, not because I have nothing to say, but because I have SO MUCH to say that I just can’t figure out where to begin. Have you ever been in a situation where you need to clean the house but everything is such a disaster that you literally find yourself wandering from one room to the next, thinking about everything that NEEDS to be done but not ACTUALLY doing anything? That’s me with this blog. 

There’s so much I want to tell you. I want you to hear about our amazing trip to Texas and how we got to start cultivating relationships with members of one of our supporter churches. I want to tell you about how sick I got during our first week there, and how God showed me grace. I want to tell you about the week I spent in California with my BFF Liz, and how God cared for me in a very tangible way by giving me a tour of the beauty of the west coast. I want to tell you about the house shows we played. I want to tell you a lot, but I’m having a hard time getting started. In order to combat this problem, I’m just going to jump right in and see how it goes. You ready?